Ep. 90: Prison Mentality

November, 2023

Episode 90: Prison Mentality

After a recent speaking engagement at a Youth Institution, Chief, Prentice and Bell invite a childhood friend Michael Pierce and current Warden of Manson Youth Institution in Connecticut on to the podcast. The fellas discuss the impact life within prison walls has on the employees. It has been said that working 20 years inside of prison is equivalent to serving 7 years of time. The men of ABMNT learn the difficulties and challenges that impact Warden Pierce as one of the few Black Prison Wardens in the country. 

Most men from the inner city learn that being a corrections officer pays well and allows one to retire with benefits etc. Yet they do not hear about or even believe in the possibility of being the warden. This conversation offers several an interesting perspective of what it’s like navigating through the world while carrying a prison mentality while dealing with normal life circumstances like marriage, child birth, divorce, raising children, and motivating our youth. 



Ep. 91: Does The Therapist Need A Therapist?


Ep. 89: Dating Outside “The Culture”